Thursday, October 19, 2006


This Esperanto Blog Is All Wrong!

Welcome to the Esperanto Blog.

Green Esperanto
Though I speak Esperanto natively--i.e., my parents spoke both Esperanto and Russian to me while I was growing up (actually, to be more precise, my dad spoke to me in Esperanto, and my mom in Russian, so I got the best of both worlds)--I got this blog all wrong. You see, Esperanto's main color is green. Green, like some trees. Green, like United States paper currency. Green, like the party. But I already used the Blogger green template, and didn't want to reuse it, in case you happened to visit my other blog. You know, a bored blog reader is an ex-reader. So...I'll have to dabble with the template a bit more (finally figured out how to stick AdSense for content, AdSense for search and Referrals on a web page!) to fix the color scheme, to make it more Esperanto-friendly.

Esperantistoj Means Esperantists
But, this is an Esperanto blog, is it not? Shouldn't the so-called International Language Esperanto be used? It's no lie, that Esperanto is spoken world-wide by an active community. Heck, the blogs esperanto and esperantist were taken up, so I had to choose esperantistoj as the blog name (which means, "Esperantists" in Esperanto). I don't know about (you or) your language, but Esperanto is quite regular. Esperanto is regular in the sense that words don't just get pulled out of one's ass. They are formed through rules. Now, when you think of rules, you may think of them as stifling. You may think that a precisely-defined, formulaic, logical language such as Esperanto wouldn't leave much room for the artistic flair. We'll look into that shortly. A lot of poetry has been written in Esperanto. Believe it or not, some of this stuff is deep. Deep, touching, poetic, beautiful, whatever adjective you want to use. Esperanto has all the power of English, and maybe even more. I dare say, English is to Windows, as Esperanto is to Linux. Language of the logical and talented? We'll be sure to look into that.

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